The company Arx iT SA is a Swiss and French market leader in the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) domain. Arx iT’s core business consists in technologies consulting and GIS integration solutions combined with quality assurance practices. Arx iT is actually focused in customized applications which tend to make easier the edition, the treatment, the use and the diffusion of GIS data. Therefore, Arx iT opted for a team of co-workers and partners specialized in environment, mobility and transportation matters.

As more and more GIS projects have to be integrated with others IT systems, Arx iT chooses to develop its know-how in four main activities :

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Information Systems
  • Multimedia
  • Technology consulting

Through its various projects, Arx iT has always adopted a quality-focused process. The company has therefore naturally set up a quality control system and it has also recently obtained the ISO 9001-2000 certification.

The project will essentially be implemented by:

  • David BeniDavid is CEO of arx iT Consulting, company involved in WP2, especially around the 2.2 and 2.7 tasks (GRID enabled SDI architecture, storage and exchange of data and metadata, interoperability). David is graduated in Software Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). During is education, he rapidly moved towards Geographical Information Systems (GIS) issues. In 2001, he set up arx iT Consulting, which is mainly active in technologies consulting and GIS solutions integration. David is mainly focused on the analysis and the conception of information systems and to project management.
  • Julien longchamp

Role in the project:

Related to this project, the expertise of Arx iT will be useful especially for software development associated to the Spatial Direct Server architecture (WP2). The GIS expertise combined with our know-how on data treatment and processing will be helpful in the project’s success.